Crystal and Metaphysical Workshops

Each crystal or metaphysical workshop runs for approximately 2.5 hours and can be hosted at a variety of venues, including private homes, halls, or metaphysical/crystal stores. If hosted at a private venue, I bring all the tools necessary to demonstrate all necessary examples. If hosted at a store, I try to find in-store examples that showcases available product. They make wonderful evening workshops or, booked sequentially, a weekend event.

Crystal Workshops include:

A Crystal Course: Choosing, Clearing, Charging, Et Cetera

An introductory course on the wonderful world of Crystals! Learn how Crystal Healing works and how to use Crystals in your daily life. Learn and practice the use of intention and attraction to pick the best Crystals for you. Practice a number of clearing and charging methods as well as how to program your Crystals for any healing purpose. And best of all, spend time playing with and getting to know the feeling of many new Crystals!

A Crystal Course: Chakras and Colours

An introductory course on the wonderful world of Chakras! Learn what a Chakra is and how the concept is shared across numerous cultures. Learn what a Chakra looks like and how they affect our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Learn about the Seven Major Chakras in detail as well as a few of the other lesser known Chakras. Have fun practicing a number of techniques for balancing the Chakras and improving your energetic health!

A Crystal Course: Pendulums

An introductory course on the wonderful world of Pendulums! Learn what a Pendulum is and how it is used as a dowsing tool. Learn how Pendulums work and how to use them to aid in decision-making, finding lost objects, clearing crystals and spaces as well as a number of other helpful functions. Learn how to choose the best Pendulum for you and its intended purpose. And best of all, have fun practicing using the Pendulum for these and other fun activities!

A Crystal Course: Shapes, Specialty, and Master Crystals

An in-depth course exploring how the shapes, geometry, and special features of Crystals affect their metaphysical properties! Learn how the shape of a Crystal affects its healing potential and energetic distribution. Learn a number of Specialty features of Quartz and their synergistic affects on healing. Learn about the 12 Master Crystals and their unique and profound properties. Spend time with the energy of each of these Crystals and learn how their healing properties can benefit you!

A Crystal Course: Layouts and Grids

A mostly hands-on course exploring Crystal Layouts and Grids. Learn how to use Crystals on the body in specific layouts to balance the Chakras and heal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Learn about Crystal Grids for long-term or long-distance healing purposes. Have fun practicing creating a number of your own Layouts and Grids for any number of intentions!

Bring a smartphone or camera to take pictures of your creations!

Metaphysical Workshops include:

Tips and Techniques for Functioning and Flourishing as an Empath

Empaths see, sense, and feel the emotions and/or thoughts of the people around them as if they were their own. Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) have heightened nervous systems to external stimuli and can often feel overwhelmed by over-stimulating environments. This workshop gives tips and techniques for Empaths and HSPs to better manage potentially over-stimulating environments with tools to use before, during, and after these situations.
Do you avoid crowds because you struggle to hold your own space among the emotions and thoughts of so many people?
Do you wish you could stay home where you feel safe all of the time?
Do you feel raw and vulnerable frequently as you go through your day?
Do you use much of your energy and resources building walls and boundaries between you and others only to find you constantly seem to need stronger walls?
Is your beautiful empathic nature impeding your ability to be the person and live the life you know you are here to be?
If you are answering “yes” to these questions then this workshop is for you.

Sacred Geometry and the Platonic Solids

A stand-alone, introductory course sharing some of the ancient symbolism that has arisen from multiple cultures from all over the world across history. Explore the geometry of these symbols and their potential deeper meanings as clues to how all of the Universe has been created.

Sacred Geometry and the Patterns of Creation

The continuation of Sacred Geometry and the Platonic Solids where Binary division, Phi (the Golden Ratio), and the Fibonnaci Sequence are explored in deeper depth as the fundamental patterns of creation.